Version 4.0 of AUN-QA Standards used to assess training program level includes the following 8 standards:
1.Expected Learning Outcoms;
2. Programme Structure and Content;
3. Teaching and Learning Approach;
4. Student Assessment;
5. Academic Staff;
6. Student Support Services;
7. Facilities and Infrastructure;
8. Output and Outcomes.
Unlike previous versions, version 4.0 divides quality improvement requirements into standards. For example, the quality improvement requirement for standard 1: “About expected learning outcomes”, is to see that students can achieve by the time of graduation. Similarly, the quality improvement requirements for standard 2: “Programme Content and Structure” would be to ensure that the curriculum is periodically reviewed, kept up-to-date, and relevant to needs. of the industry.
A quality improvement requirement is a way of getting feedback to measure improvement, or a cycle of planning, implementing, checking output against predefined requirements, then executing. or adjust the requirements for the next improvement. Therefore, the concept of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) is built into all eight standards.
The AUN-QA 4.0 version was deployed in parallel with the document “Guide Version 3.0” from October 2021 to September 2022 (the implementation of the Guide is on a voluntary basis). The full implementation of this version will be from October 2022 onwards.
Detailed instructions see links below: